

Monday, July 22, 2013

Transfer Day

Today was moving day for the little Linc-ster! Early this morning, Lincoln packed up and said goodbye to all the nice people at the University of Utah NICU. He had a nice helping crew who also packed him up in a cute incubator to take him to Primary's Children's Hospital.

 Linc looking around his temporary home to get over to Primary's

Linc got an MRI today to take a look at his brain. Another successful test! He has a good brain!

We've been able to hold our little guy a lot recently, now that he's not being cooled and heavily monitored. He is so stinkin' cute! 

He doesn't open his eyes very often, but when he does, he loves to look at his Daddy and me. 

Dad holding his man-cub.

Today, at Primary's we were told that we could feed him with a bottle instead of feeding tubes. I got pretty excited knowing that I could relish in my hard work pumping. It was amazing feeding my little baby boy. It took him a couple tries to get the sucking and swallowing down, but he ended up guzzling down the tiny amount the nurse let him drink. 

Ryan asked how much babies sleep during the day and the nurse said, "About 20 hours." I guess Ryan thought that was a good idea. Like son, like father.

My favorite thing about today was being able to hold and cuddle my baby for a few hours. It feels so good to have him close.

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