

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

20 Miracles and Counting

The night Linc was born I was pretty out of it, but when I got settled in my room it all came rushing back at me. I started to cry but that hurt....REALLY BAD. After I had my little cry my mind was suddenly focused on all the miracles that had happened. I started a list and was deeply touched by all the miracles I found.

Miracles with Lincoln
1. Knowing well in advance about his heart defect.
2. Being so close to one of the top peds hospitals in the nation
3. Having highly qualified cardiologists nearby
4. Being induced
5. Having Sister Esplin as my nurse
6. Failing to break my water the first three times
7. Breaking my water at the hospital
8. Being in the room closest to the OR
9. Staying calm during the chaos
10. So many wonderful doctors, nurses and other staff who worked quickly
11. Having Sister Esplin stay and notice right away that Linc's heart wasn't looking good
12. Having Ryan get to the room in time to say goodbye
13. Waking up with family close
14. The NICU team who quickly stabilized Linc
15. Not crying until now
16. Being married to the most wonderful man who takes care of me
17. Seeing Linc's chubby face
18. Feeling my mom's calming presence before, during, and after
19. Remaining positive throughout this whole pregnancy
20. Placing friends in every area of this event Tanner (a Jerusalem Center friend who was an intern in the OR) Christine, Katie(Marie's friend was my nurse's aid) Holly(the BEST NICU nurse ever), Ivonne(the best recovery nurse ever)
21. Cell phones to call Holly every hour to check in on Linc

That was my list as of last night. Here are some more miracles that have happened.

22. Having the men in our family give Linc a Priesthood blessing tonight
23. Mom and Dad receiving blessings to help us get through the night
24. The Ronald McDonald Room had a bed for us last minute today
25. Feeling my Mom's presence at the blessing and know that she will be taking care of Linc tomorrow
26. Technology that allows Marie to know what is happening within seconds
27. Being able to hold Linc for hours on end here at Primary's
28. Having doctors who are confident in their ability
29. Not having any more surprises 
30. Holding Linc as much as I want 

I have no idea what tomorrow will bring. All I do know is that we have been blessed and this little man has already taught me so much. I also know that Heavenly Father is aware of our little man and prayers have brought forth so many miracles already. 

Lincoln you have a big day tomorrow. We are all praying for you.

Now not to be too serious. Your Daddy has to always make me laugh. 

I love him and am so glad he is by my side in this trial. I could not get through it without him. 
........even if he is a dork ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Your little Linc is so cute!! Praying for your sweet little man. Good luck tomorrow.
