

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Lazy Days

Today has been a spectacular day.

Well last night was interesting. I told Ryan that he had to get up with Lincoln since I had to get up to pump. Ryan did pretty well, but honestly the nurses did better. Maybe that is because they were the ones to wake Linc up with all their checks. It was interesting to sleep in a "bed" with my baby and husband by my side.

This morning we woke up early for my pumping session and our first visit with the speech therapists. She came in and showed us so many interesting things that will help Linc nurse better when the time comes. He will have a swallow study tomorrow sometime and after he passes that we can begin bottle feeding. Hopefully get that feeding tube out. I really don't want to go home with a feeding tube.

After the speech therapist we met with the hearing specialist. She tested his ears to make sure he is hearing ok and processing what he hears. It was a long process because Lincoln kept pulling the ear probe out. Also during this time Melanie and Grandparents Maxfield showed up for a visit.

After another pumping session Ryan and I headed out of the hospital for my 2 week post C-section appointment. We made perfect timing. We got there at exactly 1:20 (my appointment time) there was a sign up saying she had a pending delivery meaning she could get called out at any minute. Lucky for us she got called out at the end of my appointment and everything looks good. The only problem now is my 6 week appointment is scheduled for September and my insurance only goes through August :-S we'll see what happens there.

When we got back to Primary's we both had just enough time to cuddle Lincoln before Ryan had to head off to work and I had to pump AGAIN. Ryan left for work and since he also works tomorrow morning and evening he'll just stay home and get everything ready for us. That means I am single parenting it up. Trisa came and visited bringing me a Frosty as well. It was fun to share some experiences with her since we've now both had children at Primary's and in ICUs.

I have to admit I didn't realize how much teamwork it was taking us to care for Lincoln. Seeing how we have a nurse constantly on call I didn't think it would be that hard but it was so hard leaving Linc to go pump and then again to go get dinner. Lucky for me he calmed down and went to sleep at the last possible minute so I could do the things that I needed without feeling bad.  

As hard as it has been it's also been wonderful to have Lincoln to myself. No nurses, no visitors, just mommy-son time.
Just Mommy and Linc 

I was dying with how much tape residue was left on Lincoln. So I kinda begged the nurses to bath him and get it all off. This is what he looked like after the bath....he did not know what to think for several minutes. 

1 comment:

  1. At the beginning it feels like you are constantly feeding your baby, I felt like the first six months of her life I was masong out on the fun because I was constantly feeding her. It gets better:) Linc is very cute, I am so happy that he is recovering. I hope that you three get to leave together very soon.
