

Monday, July 29, 2013

Hurry up and Wait

Today we walked in to the hospital to find all his tubes and IV's out! The only thing left in little man Linc is his oxygen, his feeding tube (which is now in his stomach), and his chest monitors. The chest monitors will be on him until he is discharged. They just are the basic life stats ( heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure etc)
 His bed looks so nice and empty now. We were also told that today would be the day to go up to the "floor." The floor means the recovery rooms where we wait to be discharged. He is no longer in critical condition. WOOT WOOT LINCOLN!

We waited all day long for a bed to open up and at 5pm one did. We are now officially out of the CICU. I can't explain how happy this makes us. 

Ryan showing off the new digs. 

On the floor we are left alone more. Its our own room with a closed door, a pull out couch, a bathroom and shower. It is basically our own little apartment. In the CICU we had a nurse always over our shoulder, which was nice because that was what Lincoln needed, up here we are more on our own. We've already changed two diapers by ourselves. (Savanna 1 Ryan 1)
 They encourage parents to stay as much as they can so I plan on living here with Linc until he gets the go ahead to go home. 

We are so excited. Lincoln seems to keep getting better and better.

To end the evening we had Grandma Darla come bring us a few more supplies for the night. She was so excited to hold little man Linc. 


  1. hooray!! so excited for you three :) Glad everything is going well!

  2. Just want you to know that we are praying and cheering little Lincoln and the 2 of you on. This has been an amazing journey for the 3 of you. Thank you for sharing and our love and prayers to you.
