

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Proud to be American!

What a fun Fourth of July weekend we've had!
On the fourth Ryan and the boys went golfing. I went along for the nice long walk (I'm a bit over excited to get this baby out) and to take pictures.

 Here is a classic look at Mark. 

It really never gets old. 

 Look at that perfect putt.

Don't mind my HUGE belly I'm only 38 weeks pregnant. 

Dad & Darla spent most of the 4th on their bikes cruising around from one event to another. 

After golf Ryan and I went over to Uncle Blaine's house for a BBQ. It was so much fun to be with them and their friends. They are a funny bunch. We then played volleyball until it was too dark to see. It started off as boys vs girls. But the girls had a slight disadvantage since most of us were crippled in one way or another. It was fun though. 

We ended the night with firework show in our front circle. I have to admit I was nervous about the aerials after last year. But we survived!

 This weekend was my family reunion at my grandparents house. We kicked it off right with a family breakfast. My Uncle Randall is all about the theme. The theme of the breakfast was "hobo" since my Great Grandpa Ralph was known to jump the trains in his youth. The cooks (Dad, Randall, Grandpa Davidson) smeared butter and oreo crumbs on their face to get the correct look for the theme. It was so fun. 
We spent the day visiting with family from California and our family here. I love my family and the crazy things we do. 

This picture is a little late but here ya go. This is the quilt I made for Jr. Its folded in half so you can get a good look at my 38 week belly as well. I have to admit I am so proud of my sewing skills with this blanket. I hope baby likes it as much as I do. 

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