

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Good News

Last night was the first night in what seems like a long time that Ryan and I felt comfortable in leaving Lincoln with the very capable nurses and going home to sleep. I am always uncomfortable with leaving him but we know we have to sleep and home is the best place for it. So home we went.

Whenever we have slept at home I call the hospital for an update every time I get up to pump. The nurses never make me feel stupid or like a bother which is lovely and getting those updates help me sleep just a tiny bit better.

Today they took out his ventilator and a lot of other tubes. Yesterday was also a big tube removal day. He now looks like a normal baby when he is in his little burrito. Today was also the first time I got to hold him since surgery. LOVELY! Another thing that happened was they took him completely off his sedation and his pain medicine. They can still give him pain medicine when he needs it but no constant drip. Currently the only tubes going in him now are: fats, breast milk, an antibiotic and a flush to keep the PICC line open.  That is is. Only 3 IVs and a feeding tube for the breast milk. This morning he had several more and yesterday he had a ton more. It is crazy how fast they are moving him off his stuff.

Our little man is making very great progress. Tomorrow or the next day he will get moved to the "floor" which means the regular hospital rooms, not the ICU. We'll have a nurse who covers multiple kids at a time so she/he will leave us to ourselves for the most part. That also means we'll get more parent work in. Currently we aren't even allowed to change his diaper since they have to weigh it.

Having him off his sedation medicine has made a huge difference. Turns out our little man is not a very good sleeper. Also his ventilator rubbed over his vocal chords so he has a very weak and scratchy cry. When he coughs or cries it irritates it and so he has been a very cranky baby today but at least I get to hold him and comfort him when he cries. A couple nights ago he was wide awake and looking around, thus Ryan and I were right up by his bed and the nurse told us to back away and not touch him. She told us this to protect Linc, his chest was still open and his heart rate was getting high with us stimulating him but it was the hardest thing to be told to move away from your baby and not touch him. I am so thankful for the opportunity to hold him. Having that restricted for so long has really made me appreciate it and all the other little things.

 I finally got to hold him again today! I was pretty darn excited!!!

 Ryan has the touch with putting Linc to sleep. Guess who will be up when Linc can't sleep...not me!

 Fortunately, our nurse was a budding photographer and took some decent shots. Our little family.

Getting a taste of parenthood with a non-sedated baby. The previous 10 days Linc has been sedated or coming off an anesthesia, so he's been pretty calm, but he was trying to scream today. His vocal chords had been affected by surgery and the ventilator, so he sounds pretty raspy. It was cute. We love him soooo much!!


  1. That picture of all three of you is so precious! I'm sure you cherish that for years to come!

  2. I have been out of town and out of touch with people in the ward for several months and did not realize that you had your little guy! He is absolutely ADORABLE. You make the cutest family ever. I am happy for you and so very glad that his surgery went well and he is doing better. Congrats on little Lincoln and enjoy this little guy! YOU ARE BLESSED! Take care
