

Sunday, March 27, 2011

7 YEARS!?!?!?!

Yesterday Ryan and I had a lot of fun being productive. We ran to Bed, Bath, & Beyond to grab some items. Then we came home. Ryan did homework and I ran to the library, Walmart and Bed, Bath & Beyond. Then we both were home. Ryan needed a break from homework so we watched a wee bit of Newsies. (One of our favorites) Later we headed up to SoJo for Betty and Brett's wedding. It was a great wedding for us to attend. Ryan played lacrosse with Brett and I played lacrosse for Betty. I do believe we've found a good pair of married friends to chill with. Then we stopped by the Woodbury Parentals for some good conversations and food. ;)

Today, Sunday, was a roller coaster of emotions for me. I woke up happy but during the morning routine I was hit by a strong wave of grief for my mom. I just started crying and wanted to crawl back in bed. Ryan was so good. He held me and really laid on the comfort. Then he left me alone when I needed to just cry and calm down. It was nice to be able to be allowed to feel that grief and emotions. Ryan is a gift. He knows just what to do for me. While in the bed by myself crying I calmed down with the help of the Spirit and started focusing on all the good times with my Mom. All the crazy things that she would do.
- she was a prankster in young womens and she never lived down some of the things she did there. Once she tied fishing line to the dinner bell and then would secretly ring the thing from her cabin-bed late at night.
- another thing that I remember was once at Youth Conference up in Jackson Hole we were playing volleyball against the leaders. My very dignified Mother made a wonderful spike and then leaped up in the air with a jolly good scream of excitement. I was shocked to see my Mom acting like a teenager; especially when she won and let us all know we had lost.
- I thought of all the notes she would send me, the emails, the letters, the cards to let me know she loved me whenever I was far from home.
-I thought of her sitting at the Stats table at the lacrosse field and then later running up and down the field in her striped shirt with a no-nonsense whistle. Which she proudly claimed to 16 years of recess duty.
- I thought of her ability to handle the Cancer. She was always calm and courageous. There was always a smile close at hand.
- I thought of her when she was close to the end and the drugs had taken most of her brain away. She never got bitter or mean which is a common side-effect of the drugs. She would say the silliest things and when we'd laugh at her she'd smirk. It brought her joy to make us laugh at her crazy.
HOMEWORK: Please leave a comment about some of the memories you have of my Mom.

After a little bit of crying thanks to the Spirit I was able to laugh and find the joy in the journey. Just like my Mom would have wanted. I'm pleased to say that Ryan got a shock when he walked in to check on me only to find a pillow coming straight at his face! We have several decorative pillows and they usually end up as the ammo in our usual pillow fights. This pillow fight ended on a very sad note.

I threw our lovely EuroPillow at Ryan who successfully ducked out of harms way. The mirror was not gifted with the ability to move, took the full blunt force and came away shattered. We have been cursed with 7 years bad luck.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Dr. Pepper Jelly Beans (I don't think they're that great, but Mom LOVED them!)
    2. Lake Powell Adult trip 10+years ago. The crazy competitions they had, and the one that Mom and Dad won. (the water booey and water balloon)
    3. On Saturday mornings when Mom would take Cleo on her runs for a couple weeks in a row, and then finally Cleo would just look at her while lying on my bed and wouldn't get up
    4. Her dislike for camping in the camper
    5. Her dislike of dog hair
    6. Her garden gnome that she dressed up in her library
    7. Instead of ice cream at Lake Powell she'd get a tiny bit of Diet Coke/Pepsi? and LOTS of ice
    8. She would laugh at everything and anything her siblings and in-laws would do
    9. Everyone always loved her (especially Jill's kids!) and speaking of those girls.. I'm pretty sure she spoiled them more than she spoiled any other kids!
