

Monday, March 21, 2011

Its a secret

My good husband won't let me post anything annoying in my facebook status like "my husband is the greatest" or "my hubby is amazing" but he hasn't banned me from doing in on the blog yet so shhhhh.

I HAVE to brag about my husband real quick.
He is amazingly aware of my needs even before I am. This week will be stressful to say the least. I have 2 days of SEP's (parent teacher conferences) which are always fun. I basically sit there while 30% of the parents will tell me how to do my job better in very rude language. 30% doesn't seem like a high number but if you factor in the rudeness factor it ups the annie. I come home from SEP's completely spent and down on myself. So thats gonna add to my stress factor.
The other thing coming up this week is my Mom's birthday. Her birthday is March 25 and birthdays are always hard. This will only be our second birthday without her.
I haven't honestly had time to look ahead and figure these things out. I'm kinda living day by day during the school year. Anyways last night Ryan turned to me as we were sitting on the couch each in our own world of homework and told me he wanted to really do something special for me. He wanted to just make my home life a safe-haven from my stressful week. I was touched but didn't know what to really say. He went on to explain that it wouldn't be big or expensive he just wanted to make sure he did all the small little things to help me with my stress. I was touched to say the least. I didn't really know exactly how much his loving service could do for me.
Today he gave me the best hair-play I have ever gotten. I have been addicted to having my hair played with since I was a little girl. My dad used to come in and play with my hair whenever I had a bad dream. (I soon discovered this and took complete advantage of it) Ryan didn't ask, or have to be told. He just did it. I could literally feel his love for me and how much he wanted to help. I melted! It brought tears to my eyes (cheesy I know but very true). I felt so relaxed and ready to go afterward. I felt like I could conquer the world with a smile no less!
Thank you Husband!
I love you more then Garfield loves Lasagna.

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