

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"I can fix that."

First off, Savanna doesn't know where the quote in the title is from. I do. Ha.
Second off, homemade egg n' cheese bagel sandwiches are way better than the Golden Arches'.
On with the blog! This week has been a semi-normal week. The beginning of the week was "normal and bore-ish" (which I'm assuming means boring), says my wife.
School is busy for the both of us. Whether teaching or learning, we come home exhausted, but still busy. Savanna has found time to decorate our apartment. She made a yarn wreath to go along with the yarn balls. She also bought some window panels to liven up our bedroom. It's really nice to be married. I remember on my mission, the only decorations elders would have on their walls would be gospel pictures or quotes, maps, and a white board. I thought I was living the life as a missionary. Well, little did I know, married life is exaltingly better. Our apartment is looking wonderful.
Savanna and I found a sister-restaurant to Cafe Rio, called Cafe Paesan. It's a delicious, fast, fresh Italian place. It's just like Rio, but more Paesan. For example, instead of shouting out, "FREE MEAL!" when a Cafe Rio addict gets 10 meals, Cafe Paesan rings a bell, and just like Pavlov's dogs, the workers start golf-clapping. It's fun. After Cafe Paesan, we went to Roberts to find a glue gun. A glue gun became a glue gun, six wood blocks of varying sizes, scrapbook paper, brown ink pad, sand paper, creme paint and glue-on flowers. Magic! But you know what, I didn't mind one bit. The little decoration that Savanna is going to craft is going to be beautiful.
As you may know, Savanna and I love lacrosse. We decided to support our cousin, who played in the Gathering of the Tribes (Beetdigger) high school lacrosse tournament. She did well and we enjoyed being with family. We watched some more games; our desire to play is getting stronger. If only we had time. Saturday night, after the games, we went to the dollar theater to see Tron: Legacy 3-D! What a sight to see! I forgot that my wife doesn't really like video games, so she got bored at times.
This coming week, we know, is going to have it's ups and downs. Savanna has SEPs (parent/teacher conferences) all week. I have to get ready for Canada. But we will find time to enjoy life's simple pleasures.

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