

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

We're Married!

Hello World,
I feel as if I have been cut off from my normal life but then I realize that it’s not being cut off its just changed since I’ve gotten married. I’ve been looking at my friends’ blogs and it seems that once they get married they start to blog. I’ve been thinking about it for a while but after my first couple attempts to blog I’ve realized I’m not too good at it.
As the days went on(I was going to say months but it’s only been 1 month and about 24 days since I got married)I decided that it’ll be a good family journal of sorts to blog and thus I’m recommitting myself to the wonderful world of blog.
Let’s back up to the fun things; marriage and the honeymoon. You won’t get all the details because I just don’t have the time to document them in words but I’ll share them in as many pictures as I can.
Our wedding was beautiful. We were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple January 13 by my Grandpa Heywood. It was extra special since he is my mother’s dad and having him play such a central role really kept her spirit close. After a couple hours of FREEZING cold picture taking we had a lovely luncheon at the Lion House and then a wonderful reception at Ryan’s Stake Center.
The reception was so perfect. I know you’re all thinking how could a reception in a Stake Center really be perfect but thanks to my Aunt Stephanie and many others who stepped up to help it turned out beautiful. It did not feel like a gym at all. It was so much fun to be there and celebrate our new life together with all our family and friends.

For our honeymoon we flew out January 14th at 7am to the wonderful world of Disney! We got to our hotel, dropped off our bags and jumped on the adventure without a care in the world. It was so much fun.

I will be completely honest and sentimental when I was a little girl about 10 or so I saw a newlywed couple and the girl was wearing the bridal Minnie ears. Right then and there I decided I would honeymoon in Disneyland with my very own Minnie Bride ears. My Dad then decided to crush my hopes by telling me the honeymoon was all the groom’s choice since it’s the only thing he gets a say in. When Ryan and I were talking plans he was so good to go with what I wanted wedding wise I didn’t have it in my heart to ask for Disneyland. I was so overjoyed when he decided to plan the honeymoon in Disneyland. Several times while we were in the park I’d be overcome with his love and thoughtfulness for me.

Being married is incredible. I was always told it would be a hard transition. It is definitely a transition (that’s for sure) but I’d never say it was hard. The blessings far outweigh any hardness. It is so nice to come home from work and have someone to talk to, someone who listens to my crazy stories, someone who makes me laugh and someone to cuddle with. I had the funny notion that once I got married my life would get simple again. I wouldn’t be planning a wedding I could focus on my teaching again but I’ve found that although I truly still love teaching I want to spend most of my time with my husband. Husbands are a wonderful time-suck; and I LOVE IT! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You have inspired me! I'm going to update my blog right now! Love you!!! Ryan too!!!!
