

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A day in the life of an ant

Today has been so much fun. Ryan and I had a lovely relaxing morning. We woke up late (8am) took our time getting ready and had a nice cooked breakfast. (I'm so grateful my husband has introduced me to fried eggs YUM)

Here is my Hubby cutting the
He doesn't mess around when frying eggs!
Around 10 we took off for Salt Lake so we could watch my amazing little sister play some sweet lacrosse. She did amazing. They played a mismatch of alumni and USU players since the team they were scheduled to play dropped out. My Dad brought his girlfriend Darla and my Grandparents showed up too.
The whole drive up today I worked on my yarn balls. Ryan shakes his head in confusion about this project but I am so excited for it. Late last night I w
as caught by the crafting bug. I found these really cute yarn balls that people had made and hung in their houses and on trees. Since I'm not allowed to hang anything I will put them in a cut
e dish for the table. It was so nice to work on something cute and fun again I've missed it.

After the game we all went to this hole in the wall diner called The Blue Plate. It is kinda a hipster place but it has darn good food. The old people were a bit wary of the place, posters of small indie bands and postcards decorated the walls, our waitress had several tattoos and body piercings, the environment is loud and chaotic, but the food won them all over quickly! It has the best sandwiches and fries around the Salt Lake Valley. They are simple but done right.
After lunch Ryan and I stopped by his parents casa for a quick hello before we drove back down to our humble apartment.

To entertain ourselves while waiting for food my dad gave us his best Presidential Smiles. Here are my favorites.

Ryan is currently crashed out. laying horizontally across the bed. Too bad he missed my wonderful wonderings about a day in the life of an ant.
I finished my yarn balls and they now sit proudly in a basket on the table. Looking very springy if I say so myself. After putting them in their arrangement I started to process of mopping the kitchen floor.
Our apartment has been run over with ants. They are all over the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the bedroom and in the dinning nook. We bought the ant killer and have been using in plentifully. So to mop I had to first sweep up several dead ants and a few ants who thought they had escaped the spray. As I swept I had to keep re-sweeping them into the dust pile since they would try desperately to crawl away. "I am an ant killer, I am the Hitler of ants" was a thought that came into my mind. I then entered a downward spiral on the innocence of these few ants who had worked so hard to stay alive over the past week. It was horrible. I was thinking thoughts like "what would their mother say?" "what if they have little ones to take care of." I solemnly swept them up into the sweep catcher (what is the thing called where you transfer dust piles to garbage cans?) to throw them out with the trash. As I dumped the poor helpless, brave warrior ants into the trash can and comforting thought popped into my mind, setting my conscious free. There at the bottom of the trash can was a whole slew of food crumbs. These ants thought they were going away to their awful death but really they got to skip death and go straight for ant heaven. Ahhh good has been done this day!

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