

Friday, March 25, 2011

What a crazy week!?!?!

This week I have been utterly exhausted. I had the joy NO the privilege of conducting SEP’s or in other words Parent-Teacher Conferences. They start off right with nightmares days in advance and little sleep during. The actual conferences were only on Wednesday and Thursday nights but the nightmares were all week long.

I had a conference scheduled on Monday but they called and cancelled so I totally lied to Ryan and surprised him at home with some good desserts as well as dinner. Unfortunately I forgot I had a ward-y coming over to explain my calling so we had our dinner interrupted but it was fine in the end we just reheated and started again.

Tuesday was uneventful. I did a lot of prep at school for conferences and then got home, made dinner and went to bed. Ryan was up all night doing homework. He put me to bed then worked until about midnight before coming back in. I was so out I don’t recall him coming back to bed. Around one my nightmares started and so I tossed and turned all night. Poor Ryan.

Wednesday I had a full day. Left apartment around 6:50am and returned about 8:30pm. FUN stuff. I got home and immediately crashed out in bed. Ryan was up till midnight again doing homework and the Tuesday night repeated itself including the nightmares.

Thursday was a half day of school(thank goodness) and so was conferences. I left the apartment around 6:50am and returned around 5:30pm. Once again I got home and I was out. I slept all afternoon and evening. No more nightmares!!!! Ryan finished his work and is all ready to go to Canada this week.

Friday I had the day off of school. I was really looking forward to our reverse roles. I stay in bed; Ryan gets up in the dark and heads out to school. Only to realize that my good husband doesn’t have class until noon so we both got up. We got up wonderfully late, got ready and then walked upstairs to the surprise of a lifetime….SNOW!!!! In beautiful big white flakes coming down silently. Ryan and I both stood there with our mouths wide open before we really registered that we needed more layers. I went and dropped Ryan off at school for his favorite Gender class. Around 1 I picked him up again and we headed to the Provo Temple to do a session.

I love the temple there is such a peace there. No matter how frustrated I am going in it all melts away whether I want it to or not as soon as I change out of my street clothes. Friday was a hard day. Friday was my Mom’s birthday. If she was alive she’d be turning 51. Birthdays are always so hard. It was wonderful to have my dear husband around willing to take on my crazy moods with so much patience.

After the temple we picked up Marie and met my Dad in American Fork for a birthday dinner. It was fun to get together and have some good conversations.

I am so grateful for all my wonderful family members; new and old. Ryan’s Mom was amazing. I don’t know how she knew about my Mom’s birthday but she called and left a sweet message letting me know she was aware of my needs that day. I am truly blessed.

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