

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Party in the USA!

What a killer week!?! I have a new respect for wives with traveling husbands. Its no fun at all!

Ryan went up to Canada this past weekend to hit up a Child Development Conference. He's a genius and was invited to go up with the professor that he works for, present a poster, get published, talk to some big wigs etc etc. If you want more on that story ask Ryan himself since all I envision when he tells me about it is a science fair for adults.

Anywho Tuesday night we drove up to SoJo to spend the night with the parentals since Ryan would get picked up for the airport around 4am. We slept on the hida-bed. (That was an adventure in and of its self). Wednesday morning Ryan got up while I totally enjoyed sleeping in and having him stumble around in the dark. Then he left. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday went pretty routinely since I had work all day then I'd spend the evenings with my Dad or his Mom. Sleeping was hard. I never did get a good nights rest.
Saturday was the absolute worst. I woke up around 7am and got up knowing I had nothing to do all day. I basically went through the day figuring our how many hours off the wait time each activity would give me. Eyebrow wax = 30 minutes off my wait time. Library = 2 hours off my wait time. Conference = 4 hours off my wait time. Etc all day long counting down the time until Ryan's flight would get in at 10pm. When Ryan entered the country he called me and informed me that his flight got delayed. NO GOOD! I spent the evening with Melanie doing Priesthood Crafts, having dinner, watching Tangled. It was actually quite fun although I couldn't help myself I checked the clock every couple minutes.

FINALLY Ryan texted that they had landed at around 11pm. Around midnight Clayne (Ryan's Dad) saw a car's lights in the circle. He jumped up to the window and confirmed that my husband was home. He then proceeded to open the door and yell out in excitement. When I saw the lights I got up to go greet my husband but Clayne's excitement was just too funny so I let him have all the glory. I just sat on the couch and waited for Ryan to come give me a proper hello!

My husband is home! I am happy! Conference was a blast today with the Woodbury's. I love my family. I love my husband. I love the gospel!

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