

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bitter Herbs

I feel like our weeks are always pretty boring and dull. We, wait..., I wake up get ready head for school. Ryan rolls out of bed, makes the bed ;) and then gets ready and heads for school. I teach all day. I have some pretty silly adventures with my students but they all seem to blur into one another now. Then I come home, make dinner, and get ready for bed. Ryan's days are pretty routine. Go to school, learn, do homework, eat, do homework, eat, study, eat, sleep.
But we try to make up for the dull on the weekends. ;)
This weekend, Ryan and I got to attend a Passover Sador at BYU. It was eye opening! I am shocked that I knew so little about Passover. Being LDS I understand the fact that we don't celebrate Passover every year, but it has so many symbols and traditions that are mentioned in the scriptures. The professor who directed the Passover was Brother Ludlow (the dad) and it was so worth it. He talked about the Savior and how He fulfilled Passover. He talked about Elijah and how He fulfilled Passover. Etc Etc Etc.
I have a better understanding of the scriptures that mention Passover. The Passover was the Pre-sacrament service for the Israelites. I loved going and I hope we can start our first family tradition. I don't want to celebrate Passover every year but I feel like its an important thing to teach our family. We'll see how it goes.
Saturday we were busy bees! Running around to stores, cleaning house, doing homework etc so come 6pm we could attend Cousin Day. For Cousin Day we all met up at Cousin Brennon's new house and had fondue and we played Disney Trivia. Ryan and I killed at Disney trivia!
Sunday we had Stake Conference. So we were home at noon and had the rest of the day to lay around, take a nap together, and bake a cheesecake (from scratch)! I love baking and cooking but I never have time to really feel relaxed while I cook. I always start dinner soon after coming home from 40 minutes of construction traffic. Thus I'm still dealing with that stress and sense of urgency. Sundays I love cooking and creating.
Next week I'm going to make Ryan dye some eggs with me! We might even use one of his silk ties :)

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