

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lincoln @ 3 Months

The biggest difference between 2 months and 3 months is Lincoln is officially off his feeding tube for good. This has been a big adjustment.

When he was on the feeding tube he never needed to nap. If he got tired he would sleep but he was never cranky about it that has been a big change. Now he needs his naps and he doesn't always like it. Since getting him on a schedule it has gotten easier to figure out what he's trying to tell us. 
Lincoln eats every 3 hours and usually once during the middle of the night. We'll put him to bed around 10pm, wake up once around 2-4am, wake up at 6 and then sleep until 9am where he'll eat again then get up. 

Lincoln is all smiles now. He's also discovered his hands and apparently they're the greatest thing since sliced bread. He loves sucking on them as well as his arms. 

A couple things he loves are: baths, bouncing in Daddy's arms, eating, and being the center of attention. If we're distracted he'll coo and grunt until we look at him.
Linc loves to swing in front of the window and admire the lovely fall colored leaves outside. 

A couple things he doesn't love: cuddling, the camera, dirty diapers, having his hands swaddled and being tired or hungry. 

The cuddling thing has really saddened me. When we hold him up to our chest he will make his back rigid and stay away from our body. I'm hoping he's just working his belly and neck muscles and it will pass. I miss my cuddly newborn. 
He also hates taking time to burp during feeding. 

We love our little Lincoln. 

This little man is all ready for the Notre Dame vs BYU game. 

Linc loves the water. I can't wait to take him swimming. Notre Dame offers a swim class starting at 6 months and I think I'll try it out.

Grandma Nelda got us this carseat cover. She knew how cold winters would be here. 

Sometimes we don't let Dad study as much as we should. 

Lincoln loves his Daddy.

Linc at 3 months:
Weight: 11 lb 11oz
Height: 24 3/4 inches 

1 comment:

  1. This is the best news. I'm so happy he is doing so well. Can't wait to come see you 3.
