

Friday, October 11, 2013

A Big Day

Yesterday wasn't a planned big day it just kind of happened. I was getting Linc ready to go to Craft Day at our community center around 11am yesterday when his pump started beeping and showing "no flow" meaning it was clogged somewhere. I pulled him out of his carseat and started the normal check. The pump wasn't clogged, the extender wasn't clogged that meant his actual feeding tube was clogged. I tried unclogging it a couple times but it looked like it needed to be replaced. So I got all my materials together and went about replacing it.

I've replaced his NG tube more times then I can count so it is a normal no big deal thing to me now. Anyways I get the new tube in, the one we got from our Home Health Company here, and I go to check placement (making sure its in his stomach and not somewhere else) and none of the syringes that we have fit into the opening. So I frantically run to his bedroom to get his box of medical supplies, his tube is in his nose but not taped down anywhere so he's mad. I go through all the syringes we have and none of them fit. I then decide to check if it will even fit on the pump, no go. So I pull it out and comfort my very upset baby. I call the H.H. Company and they inform me they can't do anything about it until they get an order from his doctor. If anyone has worked with the health care providers you know everything takes a long time. I informed them how important this is since its the only way he's been getting nutrients and they promise to rush it. This means that it will be done by the next day but no sooner.

I decide to make the best of it and since I missed craft day I went to a local breastfeeding support group to get some of my questions answered.

BACK UP. .. Monday of this week we had a swallow study at our hospital here in South Bend. I was super nervous and yet excited for this study since I knew he had improved a ton since the last one. This swallow study was great. He passed with flying colors. The technicians told me I could go ahead and start nursing him once or twice a day until we talked with his doctor and came up with a solid plan.

At the support group Linc's doctor called and asked me what I wanted to do with his swallow study report. I kind of get the feeling that she doesn't do a lot with feeding tubes. I told her I wanted to nurse him and not do any more bottles. I then explained the tube debacle that happened and she told me that she would call them and get my supplies rushed over but I could try nursing him through the weekend and then on Monday I would go to an appointment with her and discuss what to do from there.

I totally started crying at the support group. I was thrilled. She had just told me to keep the tube out and nurse him. This is what I've been praying for since he came home from the hospital. The support group has two Registered Nurses who answered all my questions and helped me get him eating correctly.

Yesterday was a grand day of nursing. He and I did great. I was terrified for the night though. He was eating every 2 hours during the afternoon and I was nervous that would continue. We put him to bed around 10 like always and he went right to sleep. Around 11:30 the fire alarm started blaring. Everyone in our building had to go outside and wait for the fire department to come shut it off and check the building. Lincoln slept through the whole thing! In fact Linc slept through the whole night. I woke him up at 4am to feed him since I needed to pump. He woke up just enough to eat a meal and went right back to sleep til 7. It was bliss! Lets hope it continues.

Long story short: Linc is off his NG tube for the time being. Woot Woot Linc!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I hope he can keep it out! I'm glad you have such a good sleeper even without the feeding tube. We're still struggling with sleeping at night at our house!
