

Thursday, October 31, 2013

First Halloween!

Let's start with yesterday. "Yesterday was plain awful, you can say that again, yesterday was plain awful, but thats not now that's then" Lincoln had a hard time napping yesterday even though he was dog tired. I finally gave up around 4 and just took him on a walk even though it was threating rain. While we walked I played with my DSLR camera. I haven't really had anytime to play with it since we got it but I'm determined to have the manual mode down before Disneyland next week. 
I have to say I'm proud of myself for my first time really keeping it on manual. This is my favorite walk path. I dream of taking tons of family pictures among these beautiful trees. 
Notre Dame's Basilica door. 

Last night the Village had a pumpkin carving contest. They even supplied the pumpkins and heated tent. It was so much fun to chat while Ryan did all the dirty work. 

 If you can't tell its a Frankenstein pumpkin.

Now on to today. Halloween. 

Lincoln's first Halloween started off rough but then got better and better. 
Yesterday this little guy refused to nap and today it was the same story. He was exhausted yet would not sleep. I let him lay in his crib and scream so I could take a quick shower since I didn't get one yesterday. Around 1:00 I gave up trying to get him to sleep, we had been working on it since 10. The only place he didn't scream was in my arms and pretty soon he fell asleep in my arms. Whenever I tried to move him to his bed he would wake up screaming thus I spent 2 hours holding my sleeping baby. 
At first I was frustrated. My house was a mess, I barely got a shower and ate lunch, I had stuff to do. But then I realized that all that stuff could wait. Lincoln isn't going to be little forever and so if he wants to sleep in my arms for one afternoon I'll just enjoy it. I settled in with a good book and just savored holding my little angel. 

Ryan got home from school around 4 just as the tricker-treaters started coming around. The Village has it all set up. 4-5:30 is Trick-or-Treating, 5:30-6:30 is dinner and then 6:30 on is activities. I really love living here. They make such an amazing effort to get everyone involved and together.

Our little family of super heros. 

 The pumpkins from last night's pumpkin carving. 
This is the petting zoo. Pretty fun for the little kids.

They had a hayride that went around the block. Pretty fun.

I'm so excited for next year's party when Lincoln will be a little more interested in everything. Today he mostly just looked around confused but at least he had a full tummy. 


  1. It's the worst when thy won't sleep! I have been there way too many times! But they do eventually get better :) hang in there.
