

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Perfect Day

Happy 3 months Stinky Linky! As a gift to us Lincoln gave us the perfect day. Oh it was glorious. I have to brag about it now so when other days are horrible I can look back at this and remember that it can be done.

Since his tube has been out Lincoln has turned into a typical infant. He cries when he's hungry, he cries when he's tired, he won't go down for a nap and then he cries some more. He cries a lot these days. This has been a harsh reality check for us, me. With the tube in he only fussed when he had a dirty diaper and he would take naps as he pleased but I never felt like he needed them since he never fussed. Oh boy was I in heaven there. Welcome to the real world.

These past couple days have been rough. I'm so grateful for a loving husband who is willing to come home from working all day at school to take over for me so I can get a break and get something done. The apartment has really been a disaster and I barely showered. Ryan is amazing.

I'm also so grateful for this community where we live. One of my neighbors does a weekly girls night. We get together after the kids are in bed, most of the girls have their baby monitors in hand, and just talk and be women, not moms. Oh its glorious. The women here are very close. They've all reached out to me from the beginning and I've never once felt like an outsider.

Anyways with all this real life we've had to get Lincoln on a schedule so we can better understand his cries. (With the tube he really never fussed, never) I've discovered how important it is to stick to the schedule as closely as we can. If the morning doesn't go great the rest of the day suffers. If the evening doesn't go great bedtime is a nightmare.

Our schedule is pretty easy and its been working on and off but today, today was the best day ever. It went perfect. No hitches. I even got my visiting teaching done and dinner cooked. I love schedules.

Nap time came easy. He'd get a bit fussy, rub his eyes, tug his ear and I'd hurry and put him down. He'd fuss for a few minutes until he realized he wanted to sleep and then he'd be out. Lincoln even slept for an hour each time. Up until today he'd only take an hour nap maybe once a day.

Feedings went the same. Lincoln got hungry when we expected him to and he would eat the whole time. We've had issues with him falling asleep mid-feed and then getting mad for waking up and being hungry.

Today was a perfect day...and to end this perfect day we did his 3 month photo shoot and he was a happy baby. Oh what a day.

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