

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Woot Woot to The U S of A!!!

The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. To me it's all about summer fun with family.

Ryan and I started the day off with painting. Tyler and Melissa (Ryan's sister and her husband) recently bought a house in West Jordan. Ryan and I will be living in their basement. Their house is very cute but a little bit dated from the previous owners. New paint always refreshes a home and the colors Melissa chose are amazing. I love it. During the day the whole Woodbury family (minus our Mexican brother) was at the house painting. It was so much fun to just work together.

We all packed up for the day and headed over to the Woodbury Parental's Casa for a BBQ and fireworks.
Ryan loved showing us the intricate cutco designs he has learned.

All day Momma Woodbury had been telling us about how Poppa Woodbury walked out of Harmon's with $150 worth of fireworks. She didn't lie! Utah just changed their firework laws and now aerial fireworks are legal. Poppa W was all over that!

Poppa W. showing off his purchases!

The cool new thing are these Hand Blasters. It's just a red ball and a green ball and you hit them together to create a 'cap-gun' effect.

In the past neighborhood fireworks were in a word...nice...but not this year. This year it was amazing. All us girls sat in the driveway and just watched. All around us fireworks were blazing in the sky. Our circle didn't lack either.

Tyler, Ryan and Poppa W were our pyro experts. The neighbors across the street had some fun too. They only threw one firework under the rental car, luckily we had Poppa W with his wonderful curve firework got them back. His well placed firework spun around the circle hitting the feet of every person and then landed peacefully by the garbage can.

The grand finale BRUNO!!! These aerials were A-mazing!

$150 worth of fireworks takes a bit of time to go through. We finished around 11pm so Ryan and I crashed at the Woodbury's.

The next day we woke up early to get in some more painting. I am so excited to live closer to family and friends. I am also so excited to be able to decorate and paint our new living quarters and really make it ours. Life is good!

Happy Independence Day!

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