

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

All Quiet....for now

I feel so boring after the wonderful 4th of July post, what can I possible have to say to top it. Then I realized I have nothing thus I'll just go with what I have and hope for the best.

Ryan left me today to head down to Beaver with 4 boys for a legendary Scout Camp. He'll be gone till Saturday which makes me a very lonely wife. I hope he comes back with bucket-loads of stories. Their "plan" (planning with this quorum is a bit of a stretch) is to fish, rappel, rock climb, white-water raft, camp etc. I'll just be happy if he comes home in one piece.

I'm taking a week-long class on Math Centers in a classroom. It is a wonderful class so far. I get to sit with my friends from Jim Bridger Elementary for the morning. In the afternoon we are set loose to put together the 10-20 centers our lovely teacher has prepared for us. I have found that hulu is a helpful component along with lots of glue sticks and a Cricut.

I love to learn and this class is so helpful. It also helps me realize how hard it is to sit in one chair for an extended period of time. Hopefully I won't forget that and punish my poor future students.
Anywho like I said life is pretty boring at this point of the summer. But we have some wonderful things to look forward to.....

1. Tomorrow is our 6 month anniversary. It's crazy how it feels like we've been married forever.
2. Harry Potter is coming out. Poor Ryan will still be in Scout Camp. I'll be a good wife and
wait for him to take me to see it.
3. We move up to West Jordan in a few short days (That'll only leave me with a 5 minute commute to work and Ryan with an hour long bus ride...but the bus does have wifi)
4. Lake Powell is on the horizon. We leave for a short small family trip next week.
5. Marie's half-birthday is in about 16 days. (thanks for putting that on my calendar Marie)
6. A Woodbury Adventure to St. George might be happening
7. Ryan will have his maiden voyage on the Davidson Lake Powell Houseboat in August
8. and then school will start up again :) which I am honestly always excited about.

So as you can see if you just stick with me for a bit my life will get exciting again.

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