

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The move....a SUCCESS!!!!

Ryan and I recently (last Monday) moved in with Tyler and Melissa Spence (Ryan's sister). We get free range on their basement. So paint happy Savvy came out and we have completed our bedroom. I LOVE it!!! I also loved the fact that I got to hang up pictures and we also took off ugly brown closet doors and replaced them with a nice curtain.
Sorry the pictures are low quality they're from my phone since the camera charger got lost in the move.

Here is my hubby being manly and putting up the curtain rod for the closet
Here is my hubby being Vanna White and showing off his hard work.
Here is our room from the view of the doorway
Here is the view from the bathroom doorway.

I love living so close to family again (only 4 miles from my Pop's house) and I love the fact that we got to decorate.
We still have two rooms to spruce up and a window in our bedroom to hang curtain on. My dearest Mother-in-law made the curtains for us. They are PERFECT! I'll do another post soon.

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