

Friday, July 15, 2011

hidden blessings

My life has been full of hidden blessings that I hardly notice at times. I need recognize them more.

Today's Hidden Blessing:

A little background, last school year was very tough on me. My 3rd grade team was very tight and thus I was alienated. Its been really hard b/c these are ladies that I need to communicate with daily and they were constantly making me feel unwanted and like an awful teacher.

It got to the point where I was crying over it once or twice a week and dreading going to school to face them. I came up with an amazing solution for the problem and it benefited the whole school. I did my research and very nervously took it to the principal. He told me to give him 2-3 weeks and he'd let me know.

Today he let me know his decision. Its not what I wanted. It broke my heart when he told me the news. I was on the verge of tears but didn't want him to see that. I told him if he'd consider my idea I would invest in his decision 100%. As soon as I left his office I broke down in my classroom. I left the building DREADING the next school year. I really just want to move to another school yet its too late for that.

But then here comes the blessing. On my 40 minute drive home I passed by a Utah Humane Society Truck and remembered how the Humane Society came to my classroom when I was in 4th grade. It sparked a whole unit idea. The whole drive home I plotted out lesson after lesson. I got so excited, made some phone calls and by the time I got home I was pumped for teaching again.

I completely forgot about my "dreaded" situation next year. I was so focused on the students and creating exciting learning activities that I forgot the teacher drama.

I have a passion for teaching.
I love creating ways to spark students' interests.
My love for the students and for learning will help me in the next year. I just need to keep the focus on that.

I want to publicly thank my Heavenly Father for the hidden blessing I received today. I know that there are so many that I haven't noticed or recognized but this one I did. I want to resolve to make a greater effort to notice them in my life and give the credit to my Heavenly Father. I truly am blessed.

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