

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Are Mormons Christian?

Today in school the epic church topic came up. I had a table start to discuss religion. It went like this. (names have been changed)
Stacy: I go to church every Sunday. (said in a very proud voice)
Harold: Are you Mormon? I am!
Stacy: No, I'm Christian.
Harold: Mormons are Christian too! (I was very impressed with Harold at this point)
Stacy: No they aren't, they are Mormon. I'm Christian.
Harold: No Mormons are Christian too, we believe in Jesus Christ.
Stacy: But I am Christian.

The conversation then led into the classic "raise your hand on the table if you....go to church every Sunday" "raise your hand on the table if you....."
I was very impressed with my little Harold. He usually isn't one to stay true to what he says, he always doubts his answers. He'll raise his hand in class but then as soon as I call on him he'll quickly forget what he was going to say.
It boosts my Spirit when I hear these little conversations happen. It helps me see their potential. I can totally see Harold on his mission declaring boldly the Gospel he knows to be true.

I love my job.

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