

Monday, February 6, 2012

moving?!? Um YES!

Yes, shocker Ryan and I are moving again making the total 3 moves in 1 year and 1 month. Are we crazy? I think we are just looking to finally find our spot in the world. I have felt like everywhere we have tried to live we aren't really on our own. We are piggy-backing on others who are in different situations and times in their lives.
We have been looking for a couple months now and were planning on definitely moving this summer but then we found the perfect apartment and we decided to jump on it. We are in a 2 bedroom apartment at Wymount, BYU Married Housing. We are looking to move one more time into a smaller Wymount Apartment, but those are nearly impossible to get so we needed to get our foot in the door with this apartment. Thus Ryan and I are once again Provo-ites.
I will be completely honest I was so nervous Saturday when we put down the money and made the commitment to Wymount. Sunday it stuck a bit deeper and I started getting excited. Today we got the keys and the first car-full in the door. I love our little apartment. (Actually its not as little as I thought it would be) We are on the third floor and it is so lovely to have windows that look out not up. I am also in love with my tiny bathroom solely because it has a tub and everyone needs a little tub time now and again. The walls are cinder block and it does feel completely like a dorm but its our little dorm.
I will probably find lots of things to hate about it but really I feel like I've come home (for the next little while before we jump states)
I'd post pictures but honestly its all ugly white and so you wouldn't be able to see much. I'll post some once we are a bit more settled.

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