

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bienvenidos 2012

What an amazing year Ryan and I have had. Let's recap the year 2011....
1. We got married!
2. We went to Disneyland on our Honeymoon, can life get any better?
3. We went to New York City.
4. We had a wonderful summer, Cutco, Jackson, Lake Powell, Tuacahan to watch Little Mermaid, and moved to West Jordan.
5. Ryan finished his semesters successfully!
6. I started my 3rd year of teaching.
7. We saw pretty much every movie worth seeing.
8. Had a very successful Christmas.
9. Learned about the best game ever Just Dance 3!
10. Only had one case of sickness, too bad it hit Ryan at 11:00pm Dec. 31.

                   What a wonderful year we've had.

For New Year's Eve we spent the day with the Woodbury Family playing cards, and other fun games.
After a day full of fun we made the trek to Grandma Davidson's Casa for a night of fast moving feet and pizza. My Aunt brought over her family's WII game system and the game Just Dance 3. We set it up downstairs in the Rec Room on the projector. We had everyone dancing like fools! It was so gosh darn fun!
After wearing ourselves out we moved upstairs for a quiet game of "Would You Rather" except all the childrens decided to come up and play too, whether they understood the rules or not.
Around 11:00pm Ryan was hit by a wave of sickness. He was exhausted, dizzy and achy all over. So we drove home making it just in time for the clock to strike 12. Ryan quickly took a shot of NyQuil, gave me my midnight kiss and then fell into a deep slumber until Monday.
All in all a wonderful night.
 Shot of NyQuil!
Oh I did get my face painted that night by the wonderful Lexie!

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