

Sunday, January 29, 2012

1 year of WonderfullNESS!!!!

Ryan and I have found the most amazing game ever. It is called Disney HedBandz. For those of us who can't afford to go to Disneyland this is a blessing. Once you put the Mickey Ears on you are instantly transported the All-Things-Disney!

Plus you look silly and thus laugh!

This past month was our 1 year anniversary. We celebrated by going to the Aquarium and then to Cheesecake Factory.

Ryan had never been to the Aquarium so he loved every minute of it.

This is Ryan touching the Sting Rays!

My favorite part was the new River Otter exhibit.
They were like children. They run, run, run, play, play, play and then suddenly crash! We could only get a picture once they crashed because then all the children lost interest and moved on to another exhibit. (I can't wait till I have my own child to use as an excuse to butt my way up to the front of the display)

After the fun at the Aquarium we headed off to the Cheesecake Factory at Fashion Place Mall. After waiting an hour we finally got our seat. The food was delicious! 
 Here is us with our trusty Buzzer.

For our Anniversary I got Ryan tickets to the Jazz vs. Jimmer game Jazz vs. Kings game. ;) He was so excited! We found out our friends Emily and Stu were headed up to the game as well so we carpooled with them. 

Ryan won a t-shirt they threw out!

Ryan found Jimmer right away!
Here we are in our seats. Can you tell Ryan is excited? ;)

Jimmer himself!
Happy Anniversary!

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