

Monday, August 15, 2011

Lake Powell Family Edition

A week at Lake Powell with the whole Davidson Family.......will Ryan survive?

I have been going to Lake Powell with the Davidson family since I was born. Everytime we go its a new adventure. We've survived Flash Floods, Wind Storms, Glass Doors, Tube Wars, Lightining, and so much more. It's the trip of the year, we love it. The rule is you have to have a ring and a date before you can come down if you aren't family. Sadly last year Ryan didn't met the requirements but after hearing on all he missed out he jumped straight on it. Thus last week was Ryan's first trip to Powell with the fam.

Here's a brief look at what we did.

Ryan wakeboarded.
Steve played the Ukulele. This year we even had a theme song the lyrics will show up soon.

We did some epic tube wars. If you look close you'll see Devan with a blindfold on. We had to move Devan 8 times blindfolded. FUN STUFF!!

We got some tattoos

We camped at TableTop Canyon, thus Jace and I had to make some memorable eating places.

Ryan also surfed....no big.

We jumped in a mud pit. Thankfully Tyce volunteered to go first and clear up the muck.

We found the perfect log for competitions. Marie won...no suprise there.

We lost an Ipod, we found the Ipod.

First trip for Ryan, no worries lets just put him in charge of the whole houseboat for a few hours.

Jackson kissed a fish

We swam.

We sat on a boat.

So the question isn't will Ryan survive it's will Ryan survive the wait till next August?! ;)

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. I love all the crazy things we are able to do together. Thanks fam!

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