

Monday, August 1, 2011

how do you walk a sheep

My husband is acting like a foolish fool at the moment since I decided to blog at 11pm but I HAVE to tell you of the wonders we saw on our way home from the movie theater tonight.
Before I do that I should probably tell you about the wonderful movie we saw tonight for FHE. We invited Momma & Poppa Woodbury to the theater with us to watch the movie "17 Miracles." It's a movie about the Willie/Martin Handcart Company of pioneers who got stuck in Wyoming. They ran out of food 200 miles away from the Salt Lake Valley and then got slammed by a blizzard with insufficient clothing. It truly was an inspiring movie. I really wanted to let loose and just bawl but since I was in the theater I controlled my tears, but there were a lot of sniffles all through the theater. It was a wonderful FHE activity.

OK now on to the crazy.

We live in West Jordan next to a park, well today we got a lot of rain and the park got flooded. On our way to the theater there were tons of people out playing in the water in swimming suits. They even had a couple blow up boats out on the temporary lake.
On the way home from the movie. I noticed two kids out in the middle with what looked like a wakeboard strapped to one of them. "That's a crazy way to practice," I thought to myself. Then as we sat at the red light I heard a motor and a bunch of kids cheering. I looked out the window and there was a group of teenagers who hooked up a motor and were trying to pull up the kid on the wakeboard. They got pretty close (closer then I would have thought possible) The kid strapped into the wakeboard was actually pulled up and over the board. It was hilarious. Who'd of thunk?!?!!?!
While Ryan and I were recovering from the scene, trying to get our heads around the bizarreness of the event we passed four kids toting four big dogs along the sidewalk. As we looked closer we noticed that we weren't looking at 4 large dogs we were actually seeing 4 kids walking 4 lambs down the sidewalk!
What are the odds of seeing 2 crazy things in one night? I'd say 1 in a 1,000,000!

Now you understand why I just HAD to blog about this tonight!!!

I love my new neighborhood. (Even if we got an egg thrown at our door)

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