

Saturday, August 27, 2011

First Week

Sad news, our camera is currently not working. It has been awful not having a camera we are saving for a new one at the moment. I haven't wanted to post without pictures to post as well but thankfully I have a wonderful Iphone with a wonderful camera so until we get a new camera we will be using our phones.

Look at this crazy Rooster. He has bigfoot feet.

This week my family got family photos at Wheeler Farm, where we saw this nice friendly Rooster. Anywho it was so much fun to get dressed up and take family photos. They turned out really well, we'll have them back in about 10 days so be looking.

Look at my cute door decorations.

School started this past week. I survived my first week and this group of students are going to make for an interesting year. They are a chatty group. On Friday a third grader (not mine) kicked another third grader (mine) in the mouth! When I tried to ask the injured boy what happened he couldn't talk due to the blood in his mouth. Fun stuff :) But I really am excited to be back in the classroom doing what I do best.

Ryan starts school on Monday and he is so excited. This past weekend he volunteered as a "Y Group Leader" for New Student Orientation. He loved being able to show the new Freshmen around campus and will continue to mentor them throughout the school year.

I must go marinate the porkchops for tomorrow so I must go.

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