

Friday, June 10, 2011


I have slacked off. You'd think now that I'm out of school I'd have all the time in the world to post on my blog but I've been good about keeping myself busy.
I'll backtrack to the good ole days when I was still in school (aka last week).

During the second to last week of school I discovered that I had a personal day I needed to use. I was shocked! I thought I used them all for my wedding but apparently I saved one. Thus I took Thursday off and Ryan and I played hookie. It was so much fun. We went downtown to Salt Lake City and played around for a couple hours.

Ryan and I went to the LDS Church History Museum. On the 2nd floor they have a children's section; that is all hands on. This month they are featuring Latin America. Thus Ryan and I perfected our dancing skills.
Next we sat in Nephi's boat, thanks to the Liahona we knew our way.
Ryan improved his sewing abilities.
I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day off. The sun was shining (poor Ryan forgot his sunglasses) and it was a much needed break.
After the museum we went to Gateway Mall. Ryan found a comfy seat to relax in while I shopped.

The last week of school is always crazy. The kids want to get out just as much as the teachers. The sun is shining, summer is so close the kids can taste it and they no longer have any interest in school. Thus being the genius teachers we are we plan a walking field trip to the Taylorsville City Hall and Fire station. It's grand. The kids walk off all their extra energy. The teachers have something to help motivate good behavior, its win-win.
I was lucky enough to have a good husband who came on our field trip with us. He really was a wonderful help with the students and some of the parents. I have pictures but due to legal issues I can't post them online. (and the fact that I wouldn't want my future kids online w/o my knowledge.) It was wonderful.
The only bad thing was we planned on having a water party at school after all the walking. A water party is when our principal turns on the sprinklers and the students all run around crazy in them. Well Utah has decided that global warming is stupid and has thus rebelled, giving us the coldest spring we've ever had. It was so cold none of the students wanted to get wet and thus freeze. O well. School is out!!!!!!

Since school has been out I've made sure I've slept in later then Ryan. I've also been staying busy. I finally got my Mom's blog book done. It's in the mail and will probably arrive while Ry and I are in New York. I'm nervous to get it. I put a lot of work into it, I want it to be what I've envisioned. I've spent a lot of time in front of the computer. It got to the point where I'd get headaches from computers, iphones and tv.

I did take some breaks from the computer. I watched Ryan play lacrosse and I kidnapped a cousin.

Ryan had the privilege of playing in a Bingham Alumni game in honor of Blake Strebel. Blake was a very good friend of Ryan's. While Ryan was serving a mission in New Jersey Blake was killed in a car crash. Ryan has a deep respect for the Strebels and was honored to support them. I really wish I could have known Blake better.
I am proud of the fact I spotted my husband with all his gear on. It was hard but I did it. A mom on the sidelines asked who I was looking for. When I said Ryan Woodbury she told me it was easy to spot him. "Look for the hairiest legs" ;)

It wasn't hard to kidnap Emery but it was fun! Ryan and I took her up to the Church History Museum. We found that if 2 adults enter and have fun without children they get weird looks. Thus we've decided from now on we'll kidnap a child or two for children museums so we can enjoy them without the weird looks. Emmy was so good!

First Emmy made a beautiful magnetic quilt. She was so proud of this artwork she had me take 2 pictures of it.
Next Ryan showed her how to fish off of Nephi's boat. She didn't want to leave this boat.

Yesterday was June 9 or Husband Day! June 9 is the one year anniversary of Ryan being home from his mission. If he hadn't come home I wouldn't be married to him. Thus it is Husband Day! I am so grateful to my dear Husband. He is wonderful. I will forever be grateful for the eternal marriage we have.
Speaking of eternal marriage. Today (June 10) my good cousin Brian got sealed to his wife Jen and their two boys.

This was my first live sealing since my wedding. It was amazing. I was filled with the Spirit. I love my dear cousin and his little family. He and I have had some real fun adventures in our life. I am so proud of him for making this life changing decision. Woot Woot BRIAN!!!!

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