

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cousin Day.....ARGH!

Cousin Day!!!

Cousin Day this week was...in a word....ARRRGH-right!

We had a lovely Pirate theme going on. We first met up at Pirate Island Pizza to eat some grub. (They were out of rum) The cousins who attended were: Ryan, Me, Marie, Brennon, Derek, Chelsea, Tanner, and Jake. Jake by far had the best Pirate accent but it would disappear whenever the waitress came around....hmmmm.

Then we headed due south to the movie theater to watch the Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I was impressed. It was different but still good. I loved the crazy mermaids. My autistic student is always telling me about the world's most dangerous monsters, chupacabras, Black widows, sharks, and mermaids. I've constantly tried to teach him about good mermaids (Ariel) but he is dead set on deathly man-killing mermaids. After seeing this movie I told him I totally agree, Mermaids are not what they used to be.


The Kraken Pizza

The boys were jealous of us married folk holding hands everywhere!

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