

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring Break!

Sorry for the lack of posts these last weeks.

Last last week was Spring Break for me and finals for my dear husband. It was so nice to sleep in late, spend more time with my husband, and do all my errands when things (banks, DMV's etc) are all open.
My Spring Break was a full week, it was pure bliss! I spent Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday running around. I'd drop Ryan off at campus around 10am and then run around until it was time to pick him up again at 3pm. I don't know how relaxing my break was but I did accomplish a lot.
Thursday the real fun stuff started. Ryan had a final at 11am so he went to that while I ran to the library. After his final we packed up the Liberty and headed south to Moab for the Easter Jeep Safari.
I love road trips with my husband. We never run out of things to talk about and when it is silent its a comfortable silence instead of an awkward time. Its just nice. We arrived in Moab just in time to set up our tent and join my Dad and his girlfriend for a dinner and a visit to our friends the Stubbs' Family.
Friday we woke up early, took the top of the CJ and met up with the Jeep Safari on Metal-Masher. It was a fun trail. We had about 30 rigs in our Safari and we also had several of the Stubbs with us as well as Lance and Nancy. After a full day on the trail stuck in the Jeep with Dad and Darla (flirting it up) Ryan and I went into town for dinner by ourselves. It was so much fun to go on our own mini-date.
When we got back to camp Lance, Nancy, Dad and Darla were sitting round a campfire playing guitars. My dad always brings his guitar for campfire songs and this year Lance had a surprise for us. He got a guitar for Christmas and has been working at it real hard so he and my dad could "jam" (well "jam" as much as you can around a campfire) It was fun and a picture perfect camping moment.
Saturday we woke up to a stormy sky so the top went back on the CJ and we left and met up with the Safari to do Cliffhanger. Cliffhanger is my favorite trail. It was so hard being stuck in the back of the CJ with no windows, no breeze and no way out except by asking Darla to get out so we could get out. It was a cooler day and at the top of the trail we were grateful to be stuck inside the nice warm Jeep.
Saturday night was so much fun. We had a steak dinner with Lance and Nancy in the camper. It was tight, we were all very cosy but it was good food and good conversation. Lance is always full of good stories. I don't know how he does it but Lance is one of the best story tellers I know. His stories are always grossly exaggerated but thats why we love them. We stayed up till about 10pm telling stories about Jeep Safaris past and hunting trips.
Ryan and I decided that we'd rather be dry and squished then wet and cold. So we packed everything into the Liberty, put the back seat down and made it into a nice cosy squishy bed. It was surprisingly comfortable and toasty warm. We woke up Sunday morning to the sound of heavy rain on the roof. We were nice, dry and well rested.
Sunday we got up, packed up and headed out for home. We arrived home around 2pm and started the recovery process. Laundry, Laundry, Laundry. Ryan and I then headed up to the Woodbury's casa for Easter dinner. It was a perfect ham. It's always fun hanging out with the Parental Woodburys. We ate dinner, played a movie trivial game and then had delicious bunny cake and BYU ice cream.
Sunday night I was so nervous to start school again. After being away a week its always worrisome to go back.
This past week my kids were very calm and well behaved. I'm all the more nervous for when it wares off. ;)
Friday we had a 3rd grade field trip to see the African Cats movie by Disney. Best Field Trip EVER! We got on a bus, sat in a movie theater, got on a bus, came back to school, ate lunch and sent the kids home. Friday field trip plus short day equals easy teaching day.
All in all we've had a semi-boring semi-adventureous two weeks.

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