

Monday, June 20, 2011


"NYC, what is it about you?
You're big
You're loud
You're tough, NYC!"
-name that movie!!

Ryan and I had the grand opportunity to travel to New York City to visit Ryan's sister and brother-in-law. (and maybe see some sights too)
I have been trying to write this blog for a few days now, multiple times a day. I just have so much to say and so much to show. We really made the most of our 5 day trip. I honestly can't believe how many sights we really got in.
I've decided to take the easy route and just do a list and pictures. So here you go ;)

Monday: We did a lot of traveling. We stayed the night at Parental Woodbury's casa to give us a couple more minutes in the morning. Ryan and I got on our flight, flew a couple hours, got on a people mover, moved a bit, then got on a train, trained a bit, that landed us in a subway, where we sub-ed, lastly we met up with Tyler to bus a bit around to the temple, the Central Park and we ended up at a sandwich shop called Lenny's that was so delicious.
Here is us at the LDS Temple in Manhattan. (please forgive our travel appearance)
It was so amazing, it was small and in the middle of tons of bustle yet it still had the sacred feel of a Temple of God.

Tuesday: Tuesday was our day at the museums. We started at the Metropolitan Museum of Art or the "Met." This museum is HUGE!!! (well lets be honest all the museums in New York are HUGE!) Thankfully the night before Ryan, Melissa, Tyler and I planned out our route in the Met. We chose to visit the Egypt wing, American wing, and the Medieval wing. It was so much fun walking through all the Egyptian art, it was like being in a cleaner version of Egypt all over again.
In the American wing we just went through the Period Rooms. These are rooms designed to look like rooms would look in different periods of time. It was incredible it was like going through a Parade of Homes but with time travel. Ryan only hit his head on one door frame. ;)
The Medieval wing was fun to browse. We poked fun at Ryan and the "original Cutco knives" display.

Here we are in Egypt.
This is me wishing I had Floo Powder to get to Diagon Alley.

After spending the morning in the Met we walked over to Central Park for a lovely picnic. It was fun to relax on a bench and watch all the school kids have their field day at Central Park. Central Park was amazing and so wonderful. It's crazy to find this huge park in the middle of such a busy bustling city.
The American Museum of Natural History was next on our list. Tyler and Sophie left us to have their own adventure of nappers. So it was just Melissa, Ryan and I. This museum was so much FUN! I love the movie "Night at the Museum" and everything in this museum reminded me of all the silliness in the movie.
The Davidson's have a slight obsession of bum pinching. I couldn't resist ;)
This Easter Island Head is one of my favorite characters.
In honor of Elder Markus we had to visit Mexico.
There are lots of stories about the horrors of the Babysitting Bear. Although this isn't the actual bear he is a close cousin.
Wednesday: If you want a crazy day then you should relive our Wednesday. We woke up early, ran to Battery Park. Which includes the World Trade Center Sculpture, as well as an amazing view of Lady Liberty.
We then walked over to the Financial District and made a quick trip to Trinity Church. We also visited Ground Zero. It was eye opening to see how crowded that area is and realize how much that event impacted New York City.
Lunch was held at the Brooklyn Bridge Park. This is where our lovely tour guides Tyler and Melissa left us, apparently they felt we were capable of handling NYC on our own. It was nice to have some time alone with my hubby. We walked across the Brooklyn Bridge which was covered in Police Officers. We had planned on taking our sweet time and finding a little place called the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory, but we found out there was a protest coming across the bridge so we found some delicious ice cream from a little shop then headed back over the bridge.
After the bridge we headed up to Times Square. It was so much fun to wonder all over the different shops and just take in the crazy crowds.
Tyler and Melissa missed us enough to meet us in Little Italy for dinner. We closed the day in true Woodbury fashion aka playing cards.

I love this picture. It looks like we're the only ones on the bridge!
Us in the Square of Times
Playing in the different Shops. (This is the Hersey Shop)

Thursday: Our last full day in the city was spent in the element of pure fun. We started the day off by stoping by Bloomingdales just for laughs. Then we headed over to a little place we found called Dylan's Candy Bar. It was so magical. Charlie would have been at home here among the candy bins.
Next we all traveled over to FAO Schwarz. Its the toy shop with the floor size piano in the movie "Big." It was amazingly fun and carefree.
Rockefeller Plaza, the Lego Store and Mall Street were the rest of our stops for the morning. We all decided to head back to the apartment for nappers this time. It was wonderfully wonderful to take an afternoon nap.
After our nap Ryan and I once again feeling overly confident set out to find our way to the Empire State Building. We made it!

Here is the proof we found the Empire State Building and even went up.

Friday: Friday was our last day so we did a few last minute things before heading back home via. subway, train, people mover, airplane. You think you pack light until you have to lug your bags through subways, stairs, escalators, elevators, trains etc. ;)
We had a good long 5 hour delay at the Newark Airport due to weather and ended up getting home to Salt Lake around 1:30 am. That was fun!

I apologize I really wanted to keep this short and sweet, but that was the impossible I guess.

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