

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Home Life

Now that we are home I expect blogging to take more of a backseat. Our first night home was wonderful! This feeding tube thing isn't so bad. We put 6 hours worth of food in it and thus we got 6 hours of sleep...well I had to still get up to pump but still. Lincoln woke up around 5am for his grump time. He is usually fussy around 5-6am but after that he goes back to sleep.

Being home is so wonderful and tons less stress. I love getting up in the morning when I want to not because doctors are coming in and I don't want them to catch me in my pajamas. I also love how lazy it all is. Lincoln basically sleeps all day either in his Pack-n-Play or in the sweet bouncer my aunt Sheree is letting us borrow. I still feel like I can't get a lot done in between taking care of diapers and pumping but I do have time to do a little clean up at a time. Its crazy how much stuff piled up at home and then add that to all the stuff we got from the hospital. It was a lot of clean up. 

Today we gave him his first bath at home and got him all dressed up for church. I am amazed at how tiny his clothes are. When we first got the newborn outfits I was thinking there is no way he'll be that small. Now that he is here and wearing them I'm amazed at how big some of them are on him.
Aftermath of his first bath. He loves being wrapped up tight.

His Sunday Best!
Also you can follow his feeding tube from his nose to the mini-backpack. That is basically it, where ever Lincoln goes mini-backpack goes as well. In fact yesterday we all went out to Smith's to grab a few items that we were needing and it wasn't bad at all. I just wore the backpack and carried the car seat while we grabbed the 3 things we needed. No biggie. 

Last night Melanie & Clayne came over to see Lincoln. 
Clayne enjoyed holding him for the first time. 

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