

Friday, August 23, 2013

Blessing Day

Since Ryan needed to get to Notre Dame by August 23rd for orientation we decided to bless Lincoln at home the night before the moving caravan rolled out. 
Thus Lincoln was blessed August 21st at my Dad's house. It was a very busy day for us getting the last minute packing done, house cleaned and everything else ready but we did it. When it came time for the blessing everything was perfect. 

 We kept it simple with treats after the blessing. It was my first time making the tissue paper pom poms and I loved how they turned out.
 Lincoln with his Great-Great-Grandma June
The men that stood in the circle.
The Woodbury/Maxfield family
 Ryan's 4 Generation shot
My Grandparents Heywood. They drove all the way up from Arizona for this one night for us. I am truly going to miss them this next year.
The Davidson/Heywood family
We are such goof balls. 
I know this craddle is probably making most of you cringe for all the safety violations and such but I'll have you know my Great Grandpa Ralph slept in this crib along with my Grandpa Davidson, my dad, (most of his siblings) myself, my sister and most of my cousins. It truly is a family heirloom. 
I treasure the fact that my little man will get to sleep in it for a couple weeks before we head out to South Bend. 
I was impressed with how good Linc did through the whole night. I worried he would fuss or ruin his adorable outfit but he was a perfect angel. 

Wednesday morning came too early for us. We said goodbye to Ryan around 5:30am. Then he and his crew (Melanie, Clayne, and Mark) drove into the sunrise on their way to South Bend. He kept me informed the whole drive which was nice with text messages and pictures. They are currently safely in South Bend setting up house for me and Lincoln. We will be joining them in 2 weeks if all goes well.

1 comment:

  1. What a huge family support system Lincoln has!! I love his outfit, and what a treasure that he gets to use that lovely cradle for a few weeks.
