

Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Halloween

This year I really went all out for Halloween. I decorated my door to look like a mummy. A couple of the neighbor kids were nervous to trick or treat at my door. Oops, next year I'll make it more even more adorable. 

I had so much fun coming up with our costumes this year. I made mine and Linc's, we bought Ryan's because you can always reuse a pirate costume right? I love the fact that Ryan gets into dressing up just as much as I do. 

At the ward party.

Ryan is so proud of his pumpkin. He wanted a design where he'd have to pull out his drill.

The neighborhood party was FREEZING! It snowed during trick-or-treating (thank goodness Linc is still too small to go) and then it just got windy and cold. They set up a heated tent in the courtyard and everyone just hung out there with the live music, hot pizza and about 100 kids running around. Linc loved this scarecrow and dancing to the bluegrass music.

The day after Halloween was the ward party. It was also held indoors since it was cold. Linc was a hit with the slightly older kids. This is Naomi, our neighbor. She has really taken to Linc. I loved the fact that they both put their heads together when I was taking their pictures.

This is Hank and Bo. Hank loves Lincoln. He always goes out of  his way to bring him toys and make him smile when we're on the playground. Bo loves Hank, and just does whatever Hank does.

I remember at Primary Children's the nurse commenting on how Linc was a social baby. His heart rate would increase whenever he had a face to look at. In fact one time when his chest was still open from surgery I was asked to leave the room since his heart rate increased so dramatically when I was near. As he is getting older I'm realizing more and more what a social kid he is. We go to playgrounds and play places and he doesn't want anything to do with the toys unless the other kids are playing on them as well. One time I lost sight of him and discovered he had crawled up the tunnel slide since all the big kids were doing it as well.  
I can't wait to see how his social skills develop as he gets older. 

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