

Monday, November 24, 2014

3D ultrasound

On Friday we had another ultrasound at a college in Michigan. This time they gave us a 3D ultrasound as incentive for coming in. The 3D didn't go as well as we would've wished since little Brother was facing my spine so we only got his ear but the images are cute still.

We also got a perfect profile picture. It is so perfect. 

little man's profile. How cute is that nose and those lips?

Here is a 3D ultrasound picture. You can see his had up by his face and his toes down by his elbow. 

there is his little ear and the placenta

this one is interesting but hard to see. Its a picture of his spine and ribs. It amazes me the science they have these days.

Another one of little man's ear and the back of his head.

I'm kind of thinking that when we're in Utah I might go pay for a 3D ultrasound so I can go with my family. I feel like living so far from family is hard for me to feel like they will have a connection with baby brother. Since he will be born and then we'll only visit once a year. I don't know. 

Anyway I wish we could've stayed longer and seen if baby brother would move so we could see his face but that profile picture makes it all worth it. 

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