

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Baby 2 update

Baby 2 is doing great. We had our 23week appointment yesterday. I feel him moving a ton now. Ryan has felt his kicks as well. Every night I lay in my bed and just feel him dancing. Its crazy how strong he's getting.

We had the anatomy ultrasound at 19 weeks and our baby BOY is perfect. They checked my cervix closely looking for anything that might be in the way. (Linc's umbilical chord grew across my cervix and caused us major issues) They also checked his heart and it has 4 perfect chambers. We'll be doing another heart scan Dec. 18th to double check that everything is looking good.

We are still planning on following Doctor's orders and having a C-section at 37 weeks. At yesterday's appointment Dr. said he would go ahead and schedule a day and let us know. So we might know baby's birthday later this week. I'm still nervous about a C-section but after talking with my dr. I'm also a little excited. He is a big supporter of skin to skin so after they weigh and measure baby they will place him on my chest for skin to skin while they finish sewing me up. The reason we've decided to do another C-section this time is to get a closer look at my previous scar. Dr. said he would take his time and look at it closely so he could advise us on future VBAC possibilities. He knows I want to avoid C-sections in the future so I think he'll let me know his honest opinion on the chances I have.

I think we have a name picked out but we don't want to share it at the moment. It seems a little premature. Lincoln loves to give my tummy kisses. If I'm ever laying on the couch Linc will stop what he's doing (usually playing with his cars or reading his books), run over to me, lift my shirt and give my belly big fat drool-ly kisses.

Tomorrow we get to go to a nearby college in Michigan and get a 3D ultrasound. I did a free ultrasound there last week. Its free because they are done by students who are in need of practice. The school was so excited because my baby was only 20 weeks most babies they get are around 30 so they wanted me to come back again and threw in a 3D ultrasound as incentive. Ryan got time off work to come with me. I am so excited to see my baby again. It gives me such reassurance to see his heart over and over again. I'm pretty sure the students got the strangest request from me. They were trying to get me a picture of his profile as a souvenir and I told them I'd rather have a picture of a 4chamber heart. They got me both.

We'll see how he looks in 3D tomorrow.
His 4 chamber heart.

No doubt about this little boy. 
I was so shocked it was another boy. I didn't have a preference of boy or girl but I knew it was a girl. With Linc I knew it was a boy so I thought I'd be right. Nope. Ryan won this one.

He's little face. Oh so cute

look at that hand, so perfect.

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome, I'm getting so excited to see feel that lil critter. He's already got Christmas Gifts. Can't wait to see you all in a few more weeks . Ya Hoo
