

Friday, August 23, 2013

Lincoln @ 1 month

 Lincoln is one month old. As I was thinking about what to write I was kind of overwhelmed. In just one month of life he has gone through more then most grown adults have had to deal with. He is a trooper. Instead of focusing on all that he has been through I'll let you reread our blog.

Here is what I know about Lincoln after spending a month with the little tyke.

 He loves his Wubbanub binkies. He has two and they have to go everywhere with us. I'll be honest maybe I love them more then he does. They are the only binkie that we can keep in his mouth for longer then 30 seconds. He looks so cute when he "grabs" hold of his little friends. 

 Lincoln is a very calm baby. He only fusses when he has something wrong, usually a stinky bum, gas, or is very tired. When he does fuss 9 times out of 10 if you put him on your chest and start patting his back he will calm right down. This is his favorite way to sleep when he is over tired.

Apparently its Ryan's favorite way to sleep too. 

 So far we have been to his pediatrician three times. They were worried about his weight but that seems to be improving since we've taken him off Lasix (the medicine that kept his body "dry" so his heart wouldn't have to work too hard).

He is one long baby. This teddy bear was given to me when I was a newborn by my Aunt Jana. I thought it would be fun to take a picture of him next to it. This bear brings back so many memories from my childhood. No one had a bear this big. He was the best! 

Another thing we've learned about Linc is he loves his left side. If we aren't careful he will have to wear a helmet in a couple months to even out his head shape. 

Linc loves his sleep. Since bringing him home from the hospital he has proved a good night sleeper. We'll put him down around 10pm and he has to be woken up around 9am. If we don't wake him up he will keep sleeping straight through lunch. Now before you start freaking out about how wonderfully amazing he is to be sleeping through the night before 6 weeks you need to remember he is on a feeding tube. Little Man never gets hungry. He is on a constant feed which means he gets food 24/7. Thus there is no need to wake up at night. 
This has made it hard to get him on a schedule. All the baby books I've read about scheduling your baby never mention what to do if he doesn't need to feed every couple hours. O-well sleeping through the night is a fair trade off.

 Lincoln at 1 month:
weight: 8 lbs. 4 oz
height: 22 inches


  1. He really is so cute! Brent asked me last night how he was doing, and I told him that he looks healthy and happy. We are very happy for you guys. Gwen loved her left side too, for like the first few months of her life. At her 4 month appointment we were shown some exercises or stretches for her tight neck muscle. We didn't really do them and she was fine:)

  2. Taking a picture by that bear is such a cute idea! It will be fun to see how he grows in comparison to it! I wish I would have done something like that with Afton from the beginning. Linc looks so much like Ryan!
