

Friday, August 2, 2013

Just Another Day

Yesterday was a nice relaxing day, mostly because Ryan had the day off so he was up with me from sunrise to sunset.

Ryan's friend Brian Soulier came by to visit. His visit was interesting because he has done some work in ORs for his schooling and so he was very interested in all the medical things.

At 4pm our nurse came in to give us the NG (feeding tube) education. Since I will be Lincoln's primary care giver I was the one who had to learn it all and try it. It was very overwhelming but they taught me well and I believe that I can do it again when the need comes.

Our nurse Laura teaching me the ins-and-outs of  placing the NG.

Placing the NG for the first time. Lincoln was not too thrilled.

Good thing he loves his pacifier so he calmed down pretty quickly. 

Not too happy with Mom. 

After our educational class with Nurse Laura my dad, Darla, and her sister Tam stopped by. Dad was very hesitate to hold Linc but once he got him in his arms he was ecstatic. What a proud new grandpa.

Ryan and I finished the day off by finishing watching X-Men 2. I have found that pumping is more entertaining with movies. Thus Ryan went and got me my home breast pump and so now I sit in my room with a good movie on and pump. 

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