

Friday, August 2, 2013

I'm Coming Home

Today was the day. It was finally time to send us home. Ryan started the morning off around 5am getting up and going to work at Glenmoor Golf Course. I started my morning off around 6am with a cranky baby. He settled down around 7am and I went back to sleep for another hour before I had to get up to pump.

Once I was up to pump at 8am my morning did not let up until about noon. We had doctors coming in and out all day trying to get everything in order to discharge us. One of the things they had to do was a car seat trial to see if Lincoln could handle being in a car seat. They sent the car seat safety specialist up to check out our rig and make sure we had everything sized and installed correctly.
Lincoln during his car seat trial. He had to sit in his car seat for 1 hour and keep his stats up high. 

Around 12:30 Deanna and her whole crew came over to visit. They had come up for a reunion in Park City and stopped by for a quick visit. It was a good thing it was quick because we were all laughing so hard I'm pretty sure the nurses were going to have to come tell us to turn down our volume. It was so much fun seeing them all, especially my cousin Riley who just got back from his mission in Brazil.

At 1:30pm our home hospital nurse, Dylan, showed up to teach us how to work our feeding pump at home. Dylan is an awesome guy who will be taking care of us until Linc is cleared to get off the NG tube. I don't even have to put in any more tubes if I don't want to. I can just call him and he or someone else will come do it for us.

Finally it was time to go home. We got Lincoln all dressed up. First time wearing clothes in his life! Ryan picked out the outfit and I must say I was impressed with how well he matched it.........
.....to himself!!!!

Family picture leaving the hospital. I felt a little left out. It guess I need to get me some Notre Dame gear soon.  

Lincoln looks so tiny in this. I can't wait to see how long it takes him to fill it up properly. 

All snug in his bed for the night. The red backpack will be in pretty much all of his pictures since that is his feeding pack. Everywhere he goes it goes. 

We are now all under the same roof and loving it. Tonight we took him upstairs and had him lay in his stroller while we all just sat outside. A couple neighbors stopped by to check out the new kid on the block. It was so wonderful to sit outside in the nice summer night air. I am loving being home. 

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