

Friday, July 19, 2013

3 Days Old

I just wanted to make a quick note of what has been happening here at the University of Utah Hospital.
  • Tuesday
    • We were induced and Linc was born!
    • Linc was put on the Cooling Treatment Study
  • Wednesday
    • Linc got an EEG to check for seizure symptoms
    • He got off his oxygen ventilator and put in the nose oxygen just to remind him to breathe.
    • Linc got a blessing from Ryan, Grandpa Davidson, Grandpa Woodbury, and Mark.
    • Dr. Edmunds and Dr. Conway explained what happened in the emergency C-section
    • Visitors included: Melanie & Clayne, Darla & Dad, Uncle Mark, Aunt Melissa, Uncle Tyler
  • Thursday
    • The EEG came back normal, so no seizure symptoms
    • Ryan sat in through rounds and heard the doctors report on Linc's progress
    • Dr. Manuck explained what happened in the emergency C-Section
    • Dr. Stiers and Dr. Patel explained what happened in the NICU right after delivery
    • Linc started getting knee bruises from wiggling his bum in the air during tummy time.
    • Visitors included: Melanie & Clayne, Darla & Dad, Grandma Ann
  • Friday
    • Ryan got to lift Linc while they changed his sheets
    • Savanna got to change a diaper
    • Savanna met with the lactation specalist who gave her lots of helpful information
    • Linc opened his eyes for a second
    • They started warming him back up at 9pm
    • Visitors included: Melanie & Clayne, Dad, My Grandma Davidson, Trisa, Sheree, Aunt Rogene, Susie Smith (Relief Society President)
I'm still recovering fairly quickly. I am able to walk around and get up and down from the bed without too much discomfort. My milk has come in which is something that worried me to no end because of the struggle my mom had with breastfeeding.

Tomorrow around 3AM, Linc will be back up to normal baby temperature. We'll get to start doing more things with him (hold him, maybe try to feed him, etc.) Monday he has an MRI scheduled to check brain activity and then he will probably be transferred over to Primary Children's Hospital.

 Ryan wants me to clarify that the purple monitor is not a bow. It's monitoring the oxygen level in his brain. (Oxygen-saturation)
Little Linc 3 days old. 


  1. Thanks for keeping the blog updated! I've been thinking about you and praying for your sweet little Linc. Savanna, you look awesome for just giving birth. I'm so impressed you are wearing normal clothes and have your hair done!

  2. I'm so happy to hear about the EEG results, I've been thinking about you a lot and wondering how that went! Good luck with the MRI tomorrow, I hope all goes well and Linc can get going with his surgeries soon!
