

Monday, September 15, 2014

Lincoln has a surprise for you

Thats right folks. 
Linc is going to be a big brother this spring! 
We are excited.

So I've had 2 doctor appointments so far and sadly I didn't get the news I wanted.
 I really wanted to try for a VBAC but after talking with my doctor and a few other people looks like I'm in for another C-section. My doctor was very gracious about it and said he would do whatever we wanted but he would not be held responsible for anything going wrong if we chose to not follow his advice. Apparently when they did my Csection with Linc it was such an emergency that they cut me vertically, the easiest way, to get baby out right away. Well that means they cut against the muscles so my uterus is more likely to rupture due to it having a larger weak spot. My doctor wants to do a planned Csection at 37 weeks so there is no strain on my uterus. I'm still terrified to have a Csection but I guess thats whats in the works for me. Hopefully when they cut me open again they can get a better look at my previous cut and let me know if I have any chance of having a VBAC.


  1. I'm excited for you!!
    And a planned c-section is actually fabulous. Don't get me wrong, I will try to do a VBAC next time if I have a choice, and a c-section wasn't my choice last time, but there are tons of pros, like:
    -I honestly don't even know what a contraction feels like; I woke up the morning of, went to the hospital, and had a healthy baby 2 hours later. Plus, my OB had time before to make a personalized playlist to listen to during the delivery :)
    -I had no tearing "down below"
    -I was up and walking around within 12 hours, home within 2 days, and I felt almost completely back to normal within a week

    ...Seriously, I loved my scheduled c-section.

  2. I'm so excited for you and "US". It's amazing the things Doctors can do these days and how much medical science has gotten better.
    Love to you all
