

Sunday, March 16, 2014

new lens & sick baby

We finally got the lens I've been wanting since forever. Needless to say we are so excited!

Here are some pictures we took playing with it.

Lucky for us we got such a good model. What a cutie! 

On another note: 

 Linc has been sick. We went to the doctor and got a breathing treatment. He has the dreaded RSV. The breathing treatment didn't work so its just Benadryl and rest. Poor baby.

The bad thing is he hasn't been eating very well. Last night we gave him a bottle. It killed me to give him a bottle instead of nurse him but at least we got him to put something in his tummy. 

Yes, he is in fact holding his own bottle. What a stud. 

1 comment:

  1. Awe poor lil guy.
    Looks like mom is doing a great job at keeping him comfy.
