

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Happy New Year....Chinese Style

Here at the Village we celebrate all holidays. This past Saturday we celebrated Chinese New Year. It was so much fun. They had crafts and cooking lessons during the day which we had to miss since I had work. Luckily we went to the dinner and the lantern lighting. It was so much fun.

We wrote wishes on the lanterns before sending them up into the sky. Our wish was for Micheal Heath(our neighbor) to get a job. We had a lot riding on this lantern.

 It took awhile to light it. 

One of the groups got this sweet lantern. 

I love this place where we're living. It is such a strong community.

For Valentine's Day we did nothing. I am realizing that I have to put effort into holidays for them to be special. I don't have anyone sending me stuff or doing the work for me. Anyways after we put Linc to bed we set up our ipad with facetime and went over to our neighbors for a fun night of games. We had about 7 couples there. We played a bunch of party games and then ended the night by telling our first date stories. It was so fun. I laughed so hard. 

I am liking living away from family. Its hard sometimes but it really pushes us to make close friends. I don't want to do it forever but its nice for the time being. 

1 comment:

  1. Your such a strong vibrant woman. You are very independent , isn't it great knowing what ever comes your way you will do whatever it takes to over come it
