

Monday, January 27, 2014

Arctic Chill

Ryan came home today around 1. Campus has been closed until tomorrow night. I also got a call from Once Upon a Child telling me they were closing early so not to come in. Looks like we're in another "state of emergency" due to the chill. They say we'll hit -40 tonight. Tomorrow the high is -2. 

 Linc loves having daddy home to play.

 The snow.
Our building is 3 stories. I promise. ;) 

I snuck into the empty apartment on the bottom floor and here is their wonderful view.

Ryan is loving this time to catch up on his sleep. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is crazy! Do you remember last year in Utah when they had everything shut down for this "huge snowstorm" that was supposed to hit, and it didn't even flurry in Provo? Haha... Hopefully you're enjoying lots of hot chocolate and cuddle time :)
