

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Roly Poly!

This happened today. Luckily I had my camera ready.

Tummy time is getting better.

 Yup he rolled over. He did this yesterday but it was more of a surprise. He has also rolled from back to tummy once. 

On Sunday Linc found his thumb. He's been playing with his fingers in his mouth for about a month now but never really got the sucking down. 

Now he is sucking his thumb and reaching for toys. Its fun to see him interact with them rather then just stare at them.

Yesterday after spending 2 hours fighting this cranky boy for a nap we both needed a break so I turned on VeggieTales and he loved it. 

Little Linc is growing up too fast.

 This week I've really been missing my Mom. Ryan and I have been discussing how to get Lincoln to sleep. We've been letting him work it out himself by crying. Lincoln has really been fighting his naps and it is rough on everyone. I wish I could just call up my Mom to get her opinion and just hear her encouragement.

 Last night my Aunt Jill Hansen posted this picture on instagram. My cousin Kela loved my mom something else. I love how she still talks(or draws) about it. It makes me feel like someone else out there is missing her like I am. Thanks Kela! You really made my day a whole lot better last night. You were the answer to my prayers. I'm glad the Lord sent me a cousin as amazing as you.

Another quick update: I finally got around to decorating his room.

My Aunt Jill Heywood sent me a surprise in the mail yesterday. She makes amazing quilts and I love the one she made us. I considered changing his room theme to red and yellow so I could display this art piece. But decided to put it up anyways. I love it! 

Ryan and Linc were hiding while I was taking pictures. 
Little man doesn't look too impressed with his new room. Owell. 

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