

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Go Irish!

Today was the big day! The BYU Notre Dame football game. Ryan has been looking forward to this since he decided to attend Notre Dame...a small part of me believes this game might have been the reason for his decision. His mentor professor, Dan, gave us his faculty tickets and Ryan's parents bought their own. It was so...COLD!!! and fun.

Notre Dame starts with a ton of on campus events. We decided to take Lincoln out for the start of the day before dropping him off with the neighbors for the actual game. Lucky for me I work at a great children's store so Lincoln got this great snow suit.

Us at the player's walk. 
 Our seats were amazing! Right next to the BYU section so it was fun to watch Cosmo and his crazy tricks....as well as the game.

 During half time we got to walk on the field for pictures. It was FREEZING!

It was so fun to go on this great date with Ryan. It was our first date since Linc joined our family. We did have sibling night at Disneyland but this time we were by ourselves. (Clayne and Melanie were in a different section of the stadium)

Go Irish!

In Lincoln news:
Little Man has found his thumb. I love this but will probably eat my words in a couple years. 
I love that he can sooth himself to sleep rather then having a binkie. I have a love hate relationship with the bink. It helps him sleep but he doesn't hold it in very well and now that he is getting more hand-eye coordination his hands are the binkie's worst enemy. They constantly pull it out and then he is mad. I hate having to keep popping the binkie in every 20 seconds. A thumb won't pop out. 

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