

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Silver Beach

We're slowly getting settled in. When I say 'we' I mean me. I go through bursts of energy. We have all the big things unpacked and now its all the little things that I don't know what to do with. Its harder to find the motivation to unpack them. Since we'll be feeding the missionaries this coming Monday I better find it by then. 

Last weekend Ryan and I really wanted to get out and explore this new area. Unfortunately I woke up sick. Last Wednesday I was very very sick, like don't-have-the-strength-to-pick-up-Lincoln sick. It was awful. I don't get sick very often so when I do I'm a miserable patient. Luckily Ryan only has one class on Wednesday so he stayed home for the majority of the day and took care of Linc while I slept. During his class Linc was a perfect baby and slept the whole time for me. Anyways I was getting better but Saturday morning I woke up not feeling so hot. I still wanted to get out and explore before it gets too cold so we went ahead and drove up to Silver Beach.

We heard about Silver Beach from my new friend Andrea Despain. They had us over to dinner the first Sunday here. They raved about how beautiful this beach is so we decided thats where we wanted to go first. Plus it was completely free. Not even a toll for the drive. It was a beautiful 45 minute drive up to Lake Michigan. I successfully pumped on the drive up. 

It was a perfect day except for a chilly breeze every so often. The beach was amazing. Better then an ocean beach I've ever been too. 

Since we had Lincoln in the stroller along with his feeding tube and other stuff we just picked a bench on the boardwalk to hang out on. Ryan walked down the the water and took some pictures. I still was feeling rather weak so I was happy to just sit by Linc and people watch. 

I'm so glad we found this place now so when the weather starts warming up this coming spring we'll know exactly where to go. 

I am really loving Indiana. It is so lush and beautiful. I love walking on campus and try to do that several times a week. I love being with my little guy all day long. I never get tired of looking at him.

I love cuddling with him. Whenever I start to feel guilty for my dirty unpacked house I remind myself how fast this year will go. I have all the time in the world to unpack, my baby cuddle time is limited. 

1 comment:

  1. He just gets cuter and cuter :) I love reading about him because he's so close to Phoenix. We just started getting smiles out of Phoenix about a week ago too.
    Do you know what you were sick with? I got mastitis a few weeks after having Phoenix and it was horrible! It sounds an awful lot like what you were explaining...I was sick as a dog, shaky, and too weak to feed or hold Phoenix for a whole day until the antibiotics started kicking in.
