

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Game Day

This week has been nice and relaxing. Well as relaxing as it can be with a cute little baby. 
On Tuesday he developed quite the deep cough. We had been sleeping with the window open and the weather got colder. Linc was plenty bundled up but the weather change still affected him. I took him to an instacare since we couldn't get into our pediatrician until this coming week. I was just worried since he hasn't had any shots yet and his cough sounded so painful. The doctor gave me a hard time about not having a pediatrician. O-well Linc is just fine he just needed a humidifier. 

Lincoln continues to smile. Its still hard to catch. When he smiles Ryan and I turn into crazy embarrassing parents trying to get more smiles from him. We'll do anything for a smile. 

Marie is somewhat obsessed with Captain America so when we found this onesie we had to get it. Marie of course will be paying us back since we know she'll want the credit for this one. His hair is coming back in. 

Yesterday Notre Dame played Michigan State. It was my first home game so Ryan was excited to show me everything. He had gone to a previous game with his dad while I was still in Utah. 
Game day is no joking matter here. People come from far and wide. 80% of the Catholic wealth in America is in the stadium on game day. Ryan learned that while he was interviewing. 

The day actually starts at midnight with a drum circle at the dome. We'll do that one of these days when Lincoln isn't so little. We started the day off with the marching band's parade. 
They start at the dome and march into the stadium. The fans all line up and then join the parade as it marches by. Ryan wanted us to get prime spots so we got to our spot about 30 minutes before it was set to start. We got a great preshow with the cheerleaders right in front of us. 

About 1 minute before the band started some excited freshmen came and pushed us out of the way. When they noticed what they had done they made room for me to get a good view. Ryan held back with the stroller. He didn't want to be jostled. It was fun to see but I wish Ryan had been by my side instead I was next to this young freshman boy whose Bud Light sprayed me when it was opened. He was kind enough to offer me some. 

Ryan and Linc under the dome. This is after the band had passed. Most people joined in the march but you can still see how crowded it was.

Our first family photo by Touchdown Jesus.
Right across from Touchdown Jesus is the stadium. The stadium is right on campus. I can't wait to watch a game from inside. We have tickets to the BYU Notre Dame game this November but we'll see if we can find something to do with Linc. Otherwise I'll be selling my ticket. 

Me sporting my Irish Green. "Go Irish" 

After the festivities on campus we went to our stake country fair. It was a ton of fun and very different from anything I've done in Utah. The wards here are so tight knit. The stake is the same way. They had a ton of games for the kids and dinner for everyone. In our ward we have 2 sets of Elders and the stake has about 6 or 8 sets of missionaries. I've never seen so many missionaries wandering around. 
 If the weather wasn't so chilly we probably would have stayed longer but since it was chilly and I had to pump we just went home after chatting with some friends.

My milk supply took a dive this week. I blame the humidifier for making our room so nice and toasty it was so comfortable I slept through all my alarms several nights in a row. I read on pinerest about this power oatmeal from Starbucks to eat if your supply ever suffered. So I went out to get some. Little did I know I'd be gone for more then an  hour. I realized quickly that the game had just ended and traffic was a beast but since Starbucks was less then 3 minutes away I thought I could easily get there and back. Not the case. They shut down everything going into campus. I drove around for an hour trying to find a way back in. It was very frustrating since I needed to get back to pump and Ryan was stuck with an angry baby at home. I finally got back home and now have vowed never to go out during game time traffic again. 

PS the oatmeal worked wonders! 

I got home, pumped and Linc and I went straight to bed. Ryan found a way to watch the BYU UofU game online so he stayed up watching that. I really miss watching football. We've yet to find a way to watch the Notre Dame games online. We're stuck with the boring updates. Next year I'm hoping we'll  I'll be able to go to more games with Ryan. This year I doubt it will happen. 

Linc was somewhat upset when he heard that BYU lost to the Utah Utes. But then we reminded him that we're Irish fans now. Utah Utes? Whose that? 

This next week will be an exciting one. We'll go to our new pediatrician on Tuesday and then visit our cardiologist in Chicago on Thursday. I also have two Relief Society activities and we'll be feeding 4 Elders.

I'm hoping by the end of this week we'll have more information on his swallowing. We've taken him off bananas and now just feed him breastmilk in a bottle. I've even put him on the breast a couple times a day after I've pumped most of the milk out. He's doing great with both. Ryan and I are both more then ready to say goodbye to this feeding tube. 

I'm nervous for Thursday's visit as well as excited. Ryan really can't miss class, (When I was sick and he has to stay home all day he had a hard time catching up with work...and he didn't even miss class that day) so I'll be going into Chicago on my own. I've decided to make a day of it though since I have to pay so much for parking. After the cardiologist I plan on walking over to the Magnificent Mile, the shopping district and exploring. I am so excited to go to the American Girl Doll Store. Ryan says he doesn't mind if I take Lincoln as long as he's young enough to not remember it. ;)

1 comment:

  1. How funny...You and I have had a couple of the same things happen at the same time since our babes were born. This past week I had a milk scare too! I started back to work so I missed a couple pumps/feedings and thought my milk was stopping, but after a couple nights of pumping extra after Phoenix ate, it came back thankfully.
    I hope Linc can get rid of that feeding tube soon! I hope your cardiologist was just being over-careful by telling you not to breastfeed him
